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Amish black drawing salve is a centuries-old traditional recipe. Here;'s how to make it in your own kitchen!
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Amish Black Drawing Salve Homemade Recipe

Have you ever been weeding or working with wood, and come inside with pricklies under your skin? Then you’ll want to grab a jar of my favorite Amish Black Drawing Salve! Amish Black Drawing Salve is a traditional recipe that’s found a resurgence in our modern times – and it’s pretty easy to make yourself….

Fly spray with essential oils

The Best All-Natural Bug Spray Using Essential Oils!

Bug season is upon us….and when you have as many animals as we do, you have a LOT of flies! I used to buy store-bought bug sprays, but after many years working at the FDA, I know what’s in them…and there’s natural options I prefer to use, especially on my kids. (A lot of you…

comfrey salve

Comfrey Salve For Chickens: Oh So Effective For First Aid

Comfrey salve with oregano is really easy to make, and it’s one of those home remedies that should be in your natural first aid kit. It’s simple to whip up in just 30 minutes (and I mean literally whip up – once you have your ingredients assembled, it’s just about melting and stirring) but you’ll…