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tomatoes on hand

We Used These 2 Easy Seed Tricks Before Planting & Got A Bigger Harvest!

Nothing is more frustrating than planting seeds only to have just a few (or none) actually sprout (we’ve all been there). We used these 2 super simple hacks to help our seeds sprout – and ended up with more veggies than we can harvest! And these are two tricks you can easily repeat at home….

Use hay bale gardening to grow a better harvest!

How To Use Hay Bale Gardening To Increase Your Harvest!

If you’ve been curious about hay bale gardening, you’ll want to stick around for the rest of this article. We’ve tried hay bale gardening on the homestead, and we’ve found that not only has it given us great yields, it’s made harvesting our veggies much easier. (Here’s a really great book on Amazon that shows…