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Guinea Hen standing in green grass

Guinea Hen — Extraordinary Disease Fighting Watchdogs

The Guinea Hen, and Guineafowl in general, are extraordinary. You may not realize that at first glance, but these oddballs are worth their weight in gold around the farm. I won’t be the first to say it out loud, but Guineas are peculiar-looking feathered friends. The first time I ever say one, I’m pretty sure…

Discover 4 types of poultry you can raise for even more eggs, and how they compare to backyard chickens. You can be even more self-sufficient quickly!

4 Types Of Poultry You Can Raise With Hens To Be More Self-Sufficient [Podcast]

I’m a big believer that if you have the space, raising more than one type of poultry will help you become more self-sufficient. In addition to chickens, we also raise ducks, quail, and turkeys, and we’ve considered adding guineas and even an emu (although emus can jump well, and require high fencing, and since we…