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Olive Egger chicken standng on grass

Olive Egger Chicken – Unpredictably Predictable

With the Olive Egger chicken the color of eggs might not be too surprising (the name is a pretty obvious hint), but do you know the genetics behind the birds? This article will explain the breeding combinations, plus some fun facts. Olive Egger chickens are funky, spunky, classy, and sassy. They are also unpredictably predictable…

Bantam Chickens

Bantam Chickens: Owner’s Guide

Looking for an adorable new personality for your lively backyard flock? Then a tiny bantam chicken might be a perfect match for you! These chickens are essentially smaller versions of regular chicken breeds, however, they make for good pets because they are super friendly AND they lay a lot of eggs that are just as…

white chicken on grass

Discover Your Perfect Backyard Chicken Flock With 5 Of The Best Egg Layers [Podcast]

Although it’s winter, now is the time to start thinking about what breeds you want to add to your backyard chicken flock. While all chickens will lay eggs, some are better layers than others. In this episode, we talk about 5 breeds you can add to your flock for consistent egg production. They also make…