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Want to grow lettuce but don't know hoe to heat a greenhouse in winter? Here's beginner gardening ideas!

How To Heat A Greenhouse In Winter

Wondering how to keep a greenhouse warm in winter without investing in electric or fuel-supplied heating systems? Yes, it can be done. And without adding any more costs to your household budget. I mean, who needs another bill right? Right. Now, you might be wondering why bother keeping your greenhouse warm during the frostier months…


Simple things you can do to help the planet this Earth Day (or everyday!)

So here at the farm we try and do the best we can to treat the Earth with the respect it deserves. We are so grateful for the amazing planet we live on that allows our homestead to function! With Earth Day coming up on April 22nd I thought I would share some ideas with…

Use Coffee Grounds In Your Garden for a Healthier Harvest!
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5 Pro Tips To Use Coffee Grounds In Your Garden!

Coffee grounds are one of those hidden treasures that can transform your garden. If you make a cup of coffee every day, then you have an amazing source of organic matter at your fingertips that can help you grow a healthy harvest of fresh vegetables. Coffee grounds are full of nitrogen, which as you know, is the…

Build a worm compost bin for free garden fertilizer!

Worm Compost Bins: Here’s How We Used Worms To Get The Best Free Garden Fertilizer We’ve Ever Seen

Got a garden that’s not quite flush with healthy green veggies? So did we – so we created garden fertilizer with a worm compost bin! And we now have a healthy, consistent source of fertilizer – totally free. (This article is an excerpt from my book, Organic By Choice: The (Secret) Rebel’s Guide To Backyard…