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Fresh organic pumpkins
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What To Buy At The Farmer’s Market This Month: September

It’s fall y’all! I LOVE fall especially at the farmer’s market! I know all anyone can think about this month is pumpkin spice, but I’m over here dreaming about the yummy fruits and vegetables I’ll be able to buy at the farmer’s market in September. In my area farmer’s markets are in full swing in…

herbs you can grow in your kitchen

Want Gourmet Ingredients Right At Your Fingertips? Grow These 10 Easy But Oh-So-Delicious Herbs!

Have you ever moved to a new home and realized you didn’t quite know what you were getting into? That’s what happened when we moved to our farm. We were very used to easy sources for herbs, creme fraiche, and other yummy ingredients. (Want more great down-home gardening advice? Grab your copy of my new…