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Train Your Chickens To Come When Called In Just A Couple Weeks With These Tips!

Train Your Chickens To Come When Called In Just 3 Weeks!

There’s a lot of advantages to train your chickens to come when called, including keeping them safe from predators. It’s also pretty fun to see these tiny little dinosaurs come running, excited for their treat (mealworms are a favorite). We used to have a Rhode Island Red hen named Daisy who would not just come running,…

If your curious about blood spots, want to know what the heck a capon is, don't know how many chickens to get for a starter flock, or whether you can feed eggs to chickens, then this podcast is for you.

Feeding Chickens Eggs, Blood Spots, Capons, How Many Chickens Should I Get? & Introducing New Chicks [Podcast]

Can you feed chickens eggs? Well you’re about to find out in today’s podcast. Today is the day that I take your questions, and boy I got some interesting ones this week. If you want to submit a question, just email me at [email protected], and I might answer it on a future episode! This week,…