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chicken breeds faverolles

Chicken Breeds: Egg Layers, Giant Chickens, & More!

If you’re searching for the perfect chicken breeds for your backyard, you’re in the right place! Although “perfect” usually means different things to different people – what’s perfect in your eyes might not be for someone else – knowing what types of chickens suits your needs and interests will help you build your ideal flock….

child with chickens
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Chicken Breeds For Children [Podcast]

While there are many chicken breeds for children out there, I think some are better than others. We’ve had a lot of chickens on our farm over the years, and I believe some breeds are better for children. Although everyone has their own opinion, I’ve found that smaller and more colorful breeds are more attractive…

6 questions to ask before getting chickens

6 Questions To Ask Before Getting Chickens [Podcast]

There’s no point in getting chickens if you’re not prepared…and preparation includes more than just buying a coop and some chicks. Every year, I get messages from new chicken owners who got chicks at their local feed store….and they’re a bit over their heads. There’s a consistent theme to their questions and concerns that could…