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Want free pallet barn plans? Here's 31 free pallet plans for your pallet projects!
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31 Free Pallet Barn Plans You Can Use Today!

When we first started our farm, funds were tight, so I would scour free pallet barn plans for ideas about how to build the various coops, pig, and goat houses we eventually built on the farm. While we didn’t always use pallets (see my free duck house plans here. I re-use a brand new aluminum…

Make your own DIY chicken tractor using these plans and pallet wood. Easy step-by-step plans. From FrugalChicken

Chicken Tractor Plans Anyone Can Build (Even If You’re Flat Broke)

I used to let my hens free range without plans to ever use chicken tractor, thinking I was doing them (and myself) a favor. Great yolks come from a chicken who can eat bugs and all, right? Our hens were allowed to free range because I think a pasture-raised chicken is a healthier chicken. We also originally…