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eggs laid by chickens that lay colored eggs

12 Chickens That Lay Colored Eggs: Blue, Green, Chocolate, and Pink!

Every backyard flock owner dreams of raising chickens that lay colored eggs. Who doesn’t want a paint box of vibrant colors in your morning basket? But first, you need hens that lay colored eggs – so you gotta know which breeds LAY colored eggs! In this article, you’ll discover which chicken breeds lay: Blue eggs…

Dish of pumpkin seeds sitting next to a pretty orange pumpkin

Pumpkin Seed, Cayenne, & Wormwood Deworming Treat For Chickens!

If your chickens have worms, it can seriously derail their egg-laying. Why not make them a deworming treat? Roundworms, cecal worms, hookworms…oh my! Worms (aka freeloaders) rob your hens of vital nutrients while making it more difficult to pass manure, and generally just trash the insides of your chickens. So you gotta get rid of…

Speckled Sussex up close pecking at snow covered ground

Speckled Sussex Chickens – Gorgeous, friendly, productive, and so much fun to own!

Speckled Sussex Chickens are a beautiful sight and much more. Here’s everything you need to know about this breed of chickens! Speckled Sussex chickens have wonderful, inquisitive, and “big” personalities, not to mention the beautiful “speckles” on their feathers! Ours willingly sit on our laps or take treats from our hands – they’re the perfect…