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herbs for chickens on white
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The Best Herbs For Chickens To Eat? These Are Them (Plus One For First Aid!) [Podcast]

While a lot of herbs are great for chickens, there’s a few that I feel are the best herbs for chickens to eat. There’s also a couple on my list that are perfect for other uses, such as first aid and as natural cleaners (make sure you grab my free reference sheet). In this episode of What…

chicken with grass background

What Can Chickens Eat In Your Garden? Planning a Chicken Garden for All Seasons: Spring

What can chickens eat in your garden? Well, plenty. But you have to grow something first! And luckily, this article will show you everything you can grow as treats for your backyard chickens and ducks! I’ve invited my friend Julia of to tell us how she transforms her garden into a chicken garden each year! Growing…

Up close of chickens head while she is eating grass

What Do Chickens Eat?

A frequent question I get is what do chickens eat, and the answer is pretty much anything (my Araucana chicken will eat me out of house and home if she could!) But, there are definitely things you should feed them and things you SHOULDN’T feed them. So let’s talk all about what your chickens should…

10 easy frugal feeds chicken water feeder hacks

These 10 Frugal Feeds & Chicken Water Feeder Hacks Are So Easy!

Raising chickens can be as expensive or inexpensive as you want to make it. These 10 frugal feeds and chicken water feeder hacks are easy – and we’ve used them on our farm to help our flock (and our wallets) be healthier! When it comes to raising chickens, I definitely think cutting corners is a…

herb pot for chicken coop
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Try This Adorable DIY Herb Pot for Healthier Backyard Chickens!

So chickens LOVE herbs. Seriously. They LOVE them!   And not only do chickens  love them, but they’re also really good for them too! They’re also perfect to feed for great eggs. So that’s a huge win-win!   I try and incorporate herbs into my chickens’ diet in as many ways as I can. I…