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Up close of chickens head while she is eating grass

What Do Chickens Eat?

A frequent question I get is what do chickens eat, and the answer is pretty much anything (my Araucana chicken will eat me out of house and home if she could!) But, there are definitely things you should feed them and things you SHOULDN’T feed them. So let’s talk all about what your chickens should…

You CAN preserve food without canning - here's 10+ ways to do it!
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10+ Ways to Preserve Your Harvest Without Canning!

On our farm, we preserve a lot of food without canning – and often, it’s easier, faster, and better to leave the canning jars on the shelf. Particularly if you’re not familiar with pressure canning, or if you’re unsure about starting, you might be wondering how you can preserve meat, fruit, or dairy. (You might…

Most Powerful Natural Anti Inflammatory Foods

6 Powerful Natural Anti Inflammatory Foods That Are Already In Your Kitchen

Did you wake up in this morning kinda sore and hearing your bones and tendons creak and crack? That’s arthritis and inflammation – and there’s something you can do about it other than down a bunch of over the counter drugs. The most powerful natural anti inflammatory medicines are fruits, herbs, and seeds you might…

Ever heard of apple cider molasses? It's an all-natural sugar substitute that's healthy and safe!

Apple Cider Molasses Is An All-Natural (And Safe) Sugar Substitute. Here’s How You Can Make It At Home.

Ever heard of Apple Cider Molasses? Whether you have or haven’t, you’re in for a treat, because apple cider molasses is a sugar-substitute that’s healthy, all-natural, and you can make it right in your kitchen, even if you live in the tiniest apartment. (This recipe is adapted from A Cabin Full Of Food by Marie…