Australorp chickens

All About Australorp Chickens and Where To Buy Them

If you’re looking to learn about the Australorp chicken breed AND want to know the best hatcheries to buy them from, then congratulations! You’ve found the best one-stop shopping guide for Australorp chickens!  Australorp Chickens (especially the black variant) are gaining popularity because they’re excellent layers of brown eggs AND a great option for meat…

buy rhode island red chickens

Fast Facts About Rhode Island Red Chickens and the 10 Best Hatcheries to Buy Them From

If you want to know all about Rhode Island Red Chickens AND the best hatcheries to buy them from, you’ve come to the right place! Fast Facts About Rhode Island Red Chickens Fast Facts About Rhode Island Red Appearance Rhode Island Red hens come in a range of red colors (surprise!). The color will sometimes…

Black Sex Link Chickens: Buyer & Care Guide

Black Sex Link Chickens: Buyer & Care Guide

Heard of black sex link chickens, but aren’t sure what they’re like? We’ll tell you everything there is to know about this type of chicken! Pure breed chickens have long been the way to add consistency to a home flock of chickens. Pure breeds have some amazing benefits — you can scratch the competition itch…

Mille Fleur d’Uccle chicken standing in green grass

Why Mille Fleur d’Uccle Chickens Are The Best Pets

Thought about adding Mille Fleur d’Uccle chickens to your flock? Not sure if they’re right for you? Read on, and discover this wonderful breed! The Mille Fleur d’Uccle is a small bantam whose heart is massive. It is a chicken who loves affection – and reciprocates. Their speckled feathering is lovely and captivates all who look upon…

delaware chicken pullet

Delaware Chickens – Nearly Extinct (Looking for a forever home!)

Even though this chicken breed was just developed in 1940, it may be surprising to hear that the Delware chicken has the potential to be on of the shortest-lived breeds out there. In fact, they might be headed for extinction! Find out more about this breed, plus learn how amazing they are and how you…

Golden Comet chicken headshot with blurred grass background

Raise Golden Comet Chickens For Lots Of Eggs!

Golden Comet chickens are not something that can be seen streaking through a dark night sky. It’s a hybrid chicken breed that likely gets its name from its coloring, which ranges from a rich reddish-orange to a light golden yellow. Of course, it could also be a mix of the color AND the miniature comets…