Ayam Cemani

Ayam Cemani Chickens – The ALL Black Lamborghini of Chicken Breeds

The Ayam Cemani chicken is the “Lamborghini” of the backyard poultry world. Like the car, the Ayam Cemani is sleek, shiny, and expensive. What is it about the Ayam Cemani that makes it such a rare and pricey commodity?  What Does the Name Mean? The word Ayam translates into chicken in Indonesian. Cemani is both…

Salmon Faverolles

Salmon Faverolles Chickens Owner’s Guide

Salmon Faverolles would be awarded “Entertainers of the Year” if there were such a thing as chicken entertainment awards! Plus they are friendly, cuddly, and cute! Faverolles chickens come in a wide color palette, from Mahogany, Black, Buff, Blue, Blue Salmon, Cuckoo, Ermine, Laced Blue, to Splash. But only two colors are actually recognized by…

Lavender Orpingtons

Lavender Orpington Chickens: Owner’s Guide

Lavender Orpington Chickens make wonderful pets – for adults and children alike! Here’s all you need to know about this fantastic breed! Every minute I’ve spent with mine, I’ve fallen more and more in love – and I’m sure you will, too! 5 Amazing Lavender Orpington Chicken Facts Here is where we’ll reveal some very…

Frizzle Chicken
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Frizzle Chickens: Buyer’s Guide & Care

Thinking of buying Frizzle chickens? Here’s everything you need to know about these unique birds, and the best places to buy them! Looking back at the first time I ever learned about frizzle chickens, I remember I was REALLY excited to add these crazy-looking creatures to my flock! I finally did, but learning about this…

Plymouth Rock Chicken

Plymouth Rock Chickens: Buyer’s Guide

Plymouth Rock chickens are a true American breed – learn all about this favorite breed. Chickens come in all shapes and sizes, and the numerous breeds around the world have long found key roles in our backyards, our farms, and sometimes, even in our houses (especially silkies)! Yet there has long been a misconception among…

Cream Legbar standing in green grass

Cream Legbars – A Dream Come True

Pet birds don’t get much better than Cream Legbar chickens. They lay blue eggs and you can tell which are males and which are females seconds after they hatch – super dreamy indeed! This fascinating breed of chicken is a relative newcomer to the backyard flock scene, but because of their good looks, excellent egg-laying…