I think there’s a lot of misinformation and myths that are around regarding homesteading, namely that it’s an expensive process, or it’s too hard to afford a homestead or you have to have a lot of land to start.
While a homestead, like anything, can be an expensive process, it doesn’t have to be, and I certainly know a ton of urban homesteaders making it work in tiny apartments and 1/4 acre plots.
I’d like to share with you how we afford to homestead. And we’re regular people, like you.
1. Make the most of what you have
You can homestead anywhere – there’s purists out there that insist if you’re not doing it off the grid and on 50+ acres, you’re not a homesteader (I get those criticisms too).
But the truth is you can homestead in a tiny apartment in Brooklyn and you can homestead on a 100 acre plot of land.
It’s about knowing the homestead skills to produce more than you consume.
Work on learning how to make bone broth to use every bit of a chicken in your urban homestead.
Join a CSA (community supported agriculture) to assist in reaping a bountiful harvest (some CSAs will let you volunteer your time or work off some of the cost of your membership if it’s hard for you to afford).
2. Look for opportunities to buy land – inexpensively
We live in the middle of nowhere. And coming from DC, that was quite a change.
But one reason for the dramatic move was the price of land – I bought A TON more land at 1/3rd of the price than our condo in DC cost us.
And it meant we could afford to put down a bundle – over half the cost of the property.
Now, before you think you can’t do the same, I have something to tell you. I’ve seen land for sale in certain states for less than $5,000 – and the owners would trade that land for a truck.
Does that mean it’s glamorous? No. Affordable? Yes. And I would have snapped it up if it wasn’t 3 hours away.
The deals are out there, if you look.
3. Add what you can, when you can
If you have a bit of land, add fruiting bushes and trees, and harvest what you can. Plant as much as you can afford (hint: we only buy 2 trees at a time. You don’t need to spend a ton at once to start an orchard.)
Grow as much as you can. If you’re able to keep rabbits or chickens, do so for the meat and eggs, and make fodder on your homestead to reduce the feed costs.
If you live in an area that doesn’t permit chickens, perhaps city statues don’t mention rabbits. Perhaps they don’t mention quail.
We have 10 acres. There was nothing when we got here except the house and two run down machine sheds.
We’ve started transforming the barns (mostly for free) and added dairy goats, chickens for eggs, and a small orchard.
Realize it’s a process.
Take tiny steps, no matter your living situation, to become more self-sufficient, and you’re well on your way to having a homestead.
4. Earn money through homesteading activities
Let’s say you own your home (even with a mortgage). Take a look at your expenses and your income. Are there activities you can do that will help pay for expenses so you can build a homestead?
This year I’m looking into hay and straw investment. It’s a little risky because I’ll have to store it, but since we have our own animals, we always have a need for it.
I know I can buy hay between $2 – $2.50 a square bale, and I can sell it over the winter for $5 or so a bale. The straw I can produce myself from a local source, and sell for around $2 a bale.
I know plenty of women who have a homestead and make soaps, beauty products, and other goods to afford their dream.
I’m working on my soap making ability, and might sell goat milk soap in the future if it seems like something for me.
5. Cut expenses where you can
Look at your budget – are there expenses you can cut?
One way we cut costs on our homestead was by selling a financed truck.
We could afford the payments – but we wanted to downsize our expenses.
We switched it for older trucks that we can resell. We then purchase another truck, and sell that one. Rinse and repeat.
This brings in a healthy amount of money every month.
By producing veggies, cheese, and meat, you’ll save a ton on groceries and also eat healthy, real food. We save A LOT by raising our own groceries.
You know how big corporations increase their quarterly earnings by decreasing their costs? Well, it works for us too.
That’s how our homestead began producing income – by cutting the expense of groceries.
To afford a homestead, I suggest this is where you begin, because it’s easy and accessible.
We’re able to partially feed our pigs from produce a local grocery store would otherwise toss.
It’s a win-win situation – they can get rid of their unsaleable produce without having to toss it, and I can feed my pigs fresher food than just hog grain.
And now we can afford sustainable pork.
6. Become a DIY expert
Ok, maybe expert is a little too lofty of a goal. But you get my point.
Both my husband and I have had really bad experiences hiring out work, so we do everything ourselves, and it’s helped us afford a homestead.
Yes, sometimes that means hard work and things move at a snails pace.
But instead of spending thousands, we’ve spent much less to transform our homestead to afford what we have.
7. Look at certain expenses as investments
At this point on our homestead, there’s not one animal or machine that doesn’t produce.
The one time I’ve allowed a monthly payment this year is on a new tractor (well, new to us).
Why did I break my rule about monthly payments?
Because it allowed us to add a new piece of equipment that would make us money – and the payment is extremely low, with no percentage on it. We can completely afford it.
Remember that straw I talked about?
Without the tractor, we wouldn’t have a prayer of producing straw.
The benefit we will get, and the money we will save and be able to bring in, made me reconsider my otherwise very hard and fast rule.
The more we run our farm like a business, the more we can afford, because no expense is a waste.
8. Look for deals – and wait until the right one comes along
I spent 2 years dying for a goat for our homestead so we could produce cheese and yogurt from a sustainable source (remember, you can produce cheese from store bought milk too!).
Every opportunity was just a little too much money or not exactly what I wanted – the wrong breed, not in milk, you get the point.
Then along came Dahlia, who was perfect – a great breed, a good age, in milk and very affordable. And healthy!
Next, we’re looking for a cow.
The advantage to waiting (and to having a tight budget) is that it gives you time to consider whether what you want is actually what you need. In other words, I was dead set on getting a dairy cow.
Now that we have Dahlia, and we have lots of milk, I’m wondering if a meat cow might work better for our homestead. (We’ve already decided against a bull – this is one situation where I’ll use artificial means to produce calves).
9. We barter
My famous phrase around our house is, “can you trade something for part of the cost?” and I make my husband crazy at times with it.
But you know what? Sometimes it just works, and we’ve been able to knock the price off items because of it.
As a concrete example, earlier this year, we purchased a certain car part at an auction.
We got a really good deal (which is why we took the chance), but when we got home, we realized it wasn’t going to work for anything we needed it for – until one day we needed an engine.
We were able to trade our “useless” part to reduce the price of what we needed.
My husband is color blind, so welding is difficult for him. When we need something welded, we have a friend we can call for help, and we usually trade services.
Yes, cash is usually king, but sometimes a trade works just as well.
Do you still think you can’t afford a homestead? I sure hope not! As you can see, it’s a goal that’s easily within your fingertips!
I’d like to hear from you!
Which of these tips will you try to implement today? Email me at [email protected] or comment below!
Maat van Uitert is a backyard chicken and sustainable living expert. She is also the author of Chickens: Naturally Raising A Sustainable Flock, which was a best seller in it’s Amazon category. Maat has been featured on NBC, CBS, AOL Finance, Community Chickens, the Huffington Post, Chickens magazine, Backyard Poultry, and Countryside Magazine. She lives on her farm in Southeast Missouri with her husband, two children, and about a million chickens and ducks. You can follow Maat on Facebook here and Instagram here.
Thank you for sharing. This is a great article and, for me, motivating! Going to start putting some of your tips into practice.
Glad to hear it! Let me know how it goes! Thanks for stopping by!
Great information thank you!!
This is a lot of what I mean by “condo prepping” in my tiny apartment I for lack of a better term, homestead, I make and can broth, freezing bones until I have enough to make beef, pork, or chicken stock then I pressure can it. Just as an example
Great info. I moved to Macon, Ga, a year ago. Have 1/4 acre. This last year planted 4×16 total 48 sqft vegetable garden and canned most of it. Found out I can have chickens, rabbits, quail, etc. No pigs, cows or goats without permit.. So will be putting up chicken coop in the spring. Will be adding atleast an additional 88 sqft to my garden. Planted 2 apple trees, 2 cherry trees, 2 blueberry plants, 1 raspberry plant. People think I am a crazy old lady, I am 69. This the life I always wanted but had to work for my living, now do what I want and how I want. Small homesteading fits me perfectly, and next spring can start making money from my vegetable garden and egg sales.
Glad to hear it! Keep me posted on how it goes for you!
Lori, you have given me hope. I am 67 and would love to have property to garden and farm on. I hadn’t realized that what Maat said about homesteading in a condo was a reality until she mentioned many of the things I already do. I feel better now and will continue doing what I can. Thanks ladies for all your encouragement!
This actually makes me hopeful…
Thank you for making this seem more simple.
You’re welcome!
Great post 🙂 I’m going towards a full homestead in stages. First moved to the mountains and renting a house…where I’m learning my DIY skills, taking care of our land, gardening and budgeting…my second stage will come in a few years when the debt is paid and a downpayment is saved…after that, more baby steps while we put the homestead together. I’m enjoying every step and thanks for the great tips!
You’re welcome!
Thank you for sharing this. You make it doable for a person pondering the idea. I have lived this way most of my life and didn’t realize until a few years ago there was a title for living and making do with the means you have. I grew up on a farm, so it was just a way of life for me. But I began seeing things on pinterest that enticed my thinking. I thought, this could be me, not realizing I was already doing alot of these things. My cousin said to me one time, “Who knew eating organic was a big thing? We did that all our growing up years.” Sometimes it takes getting out if your comfort zone to see the blessings you had all along.
Thanks for sharing! I love hearing stories like this!
This is awesome, Never the wrong time to start doing what makes you happy!
Thanks for the inspiration. I have been canning for years and tried homesteading on rented property but just got a good start and they sold the property out from under us. I have not given up and am looking at property to purchase to start again. Honestly at 46 do you think I am too old to start over? My husband drives over the road, so it will be mainly all on me as far as work goes.
Hi Julie, no I don’t think you’re too old to start over in the least. As long as you love it, and want to do it, I think homesteading is something anyone can do until they die. 46 is young (I’m not too far off from that.) Hope that helps!
Thanks for your inspiration. My husband and I talk about one day having a homestead of our own. For now, we are honing our skills to live a more self sufficient, sustainable life.
When does a homestead become a farm? If goats and cows are herd animals, how do you justify only keeping one of each at the time? Not wanting to be critical, actually interested in answer.
Hi Manuela – I think in many cases, homestead and farm are interchangeable. Homesteads tend to be more committed to traditional skills, while farms can encompass anything from traditional skills and simple living to partially organic to full blown industrial ag farms that use chemicals and force sow. So, I think that’s partly where the difference lies. I keep several animals personally, but I don’t have a cow, for example, and I justify it because I simply can’t afford to buy one. I don’t have sheep because , although I want some, right now, the timing isn’t right because my time is taken up taking care of goats, chickens, turkeys, pigs, horses, and rabbits. It would be a misuse of time to add cows and sheep to the mix at this point, and would be a disservice to those animals. Some homesteaders only keep chickens because their needs are perfectly met – they have eggs and meat for protein and don’t need more than that. I think a lot of the times people hear “homesteading” and they think of the imagery in popular culture, but even during the 19th century, there were homesteads of every size and ilk. Some people back then couldn’t afford cattle, so they raised other animals. Some could only afford chickens. It just depends on an individual’s unique situation and realizing that the ideal that’s in popular memory is not reality. I hope that helps!
Thanks. I misunderstood you. I thought you got only Deliah for milk, without another goat.
Yes, yes, yes! Exactly! These are things I have been learning the past few years. I would add that you shou try to network with neighbors, family and friends…sometimes we need to diy because the funds aren’t available, but we still need help. Being that resource to others and knowing those who will be there for you is important as well. Friends can help weed the garden and maybe get tomatoes when they are ready, or maybe you help butcher chickens and they help with the farm while you are out of town. There is almost always a way to do things cheaper, it’s a matter of knowing where, when and how to look. And humbling ourselves when we need help or things get tight and taking the help that others offer. Pride won’t do you any good.
Thanks for sharing!