Salmon Faverolles would be awarded “Entertainers of the Year” if there were such a thing as chicken entertainment awards! Plus they are friendly, cuddly, and cute!
Faverolles chickens come in a wide color palette, from Mahogany, Black, Buff, Blue, Blue Salmon, Cuckoo, Ermine, Laced Blue, to Splash. But only two colors are actually recognized by the American Poultry Association: White and Salmon.
Any and all of these color variations possess the unique traits of the Faverolles, but it is in the Salmon that their colors really shine best. This article covers everything you need to know about Salmon Faverolles.

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What are Faverolles?
Faverolles are a French chicken breed. They take their name from the French village that they were first bred in, Faverolles, which is about 50 miles northeast of Paris. There are no records of the creation of this breed, so no one knows who actually created this chicken breed, but Houdon, Brahma, Crêve-Cour, Dorking, CouCoo, and Cochin have all been connected to their origins.
Faverolles were first bred for the dual purpose of eggs and meat.
At the time of their introduction to the markets of France, they took to close confinement better than other breeds, like the Houdan. This quickly brought them to the forefront of the poultry market, and by 1886 or 1894 (depending on your source), they found their way across the English Channel. The Faverolles were quickly developed to exhibition standards in England.
They came to the USA in the first few years of the 20th Century and settled in Glens Falls, NY, not far from the state capital of Albany. Since then, this docile breed has served Americans in three distinct ways: as food, for their eggs, and as a show breed.
This delightful breed is considered a rare breed, despite their ability to lay about 200 eggs per year and the fact that roosters can grow to 8 pounds and hens to 6 pounds.
5 Amazing Faverolles Chicken Facts
- They have super soft and downy feathers.
- They are a truly all-purpose breed, serving as excellent layers and lovely show chickens.
- They are super-cuddly, sociable, and love attention and kisses.
- Roosters and hens are two distinct colors: with the males being a greater color mix than the two-toned females.
- The word “Faverolles” is French. As a result of this, the “s” is silent, so the pronunciation of the singular and plural is both “fa-ver-ell” or “fa-ver-oll,” though an Anglicized “fa-ver-olz” isn’t unexpected. The spelling of both singular and plural is both “Faverolles”, however.
What Do Salmon Faverolles Chickens Look Like?
Physically, Faverolles are quite unique. The first major difference is their toes. Most chicken breeds have 4 toes, but like Silkies, Faverolles have five toes.
Faverolles also possess a beard under their beaks that adds a lovely layer of fluff to their appearance. They have muffs too (essentially crazy cute face feathers). Their wattles are tiny to non-existent, and they have feathers on their legs.
AND they have feathered legs! Feathered legs, crazy muffs and beards, and super curiosity….this, my friends, is part of why they are so dang entertaining!
Their faces, comb, and what little wattle that they have are red. If their coloring reaches their eyes, that is also red. Their single comb is medium in size with five points.
Faverolles have bay-colored eyes. Their skin and legs are white.
What is the Color of a Salmon Faverolles Hen?
Salmon Faverolles hens have white to light caramel breasts and underbellies, but sport a splash of rich color on the hackles, back, and wing. The colors of their backs are a light pink salmon through a darker bronze. The spread of color could stretch further down the wing, or along the flank, but regardless of distribution, the two-toned quality of their coloring is always present in Salmon Faverolles hens.

What is the Color of a Salmon Faverolles Rooster?
Male Salmon Faverolles are almost as unique as their tufted ears and fluffy beards. Unlike the females, who possess the exquisite caramel topping on a large vanilla sundae, the males have a secret weapon: black chocolate feathers.
The average Salmon Faverolles rooster has a thick black beard, breast, and undercarriage. Occasionally, one might have a white beard to match his white (or cream) neck and head. The black coloring usually fills out his breast and legs and may be separated by more white or it may just continue on through his tail.
Splashes of straw or dark straw stretch across his upper wings, and spot his hackles, back, and saddle. White compliments his colors; in addition to it serving as a mane around his neck, it sometimes gives a spotty reappearance along his back. Then, in a very cool touch, white serves as a peculiar triangular accent at the triangular tips of his wings.
All in all, the rooster is quite an array of color that any chicken lover would be proud to show off.
What is the Color of a Salmon Faverolles Chick?
Chicks start off as downy fluffs of yellow, but once their feathers start coming in, you’ll see the salmon coloring replacing their yellow.

Salmon Faverolles Meat and Egg Production?
As Faverolles were originally bred for meat and eggs, Salmon Faverolles are an excellent source for meals. Their eggs are cream-colored and medium-sized like the eggs of other color varieties.
They lay an impressive amount of eggs for a breed many haven’t heard much about, coming in around 200 eggs per year!
Salmon Faverolles Temperament
Beyond color, not very. Faverolles are famous for their curious and family-oriented personalities. These are the kinds of chickens you want to bring home to mom and are just as cuddly for children as they are for adults. Roosters are also extremely friendly, but as with all roosters you need to respect their space (especially children).
Salmon Faverolles are amazing birds that will bring you great humor, laughter, and pleasure. They are one of the most entertaining breeds, full of personality. They are a medium-sized bird that does have some minor health worries, but these are easily managed with frequent checks.
As with all your backyard buddies, they will come running for treats! And if you serve them up the right kind of treats, it will help keep them healthy.
Salmon Faverolles Health Issues
These stars are quite feathery. Due to all these feathers, including on their faces and their legs, they are prone to mites and lice. But luckily, there are preventative measures you can take. My favorite prevention products are MitesBGone & PestsBGone.
The other health issue, is related to the first, but slightly different. It’s called scaly leg mites (sounds scary but it’s manageable). Scaly leg mites are common for chickens with feathery legs. You just need to check their legs regularly as the mites (or evidence of mites) can be hard to see with all those feathers.
If you are diligent at keeping the coop clean and free of parasites, your chances of scaly leg mites are pretty low. But, if you do find yourself fighting that war, a great help for scaly leg mites is this herbal leg salve.
Where are Salmon Faverolles Chicks for Sale?
By being the most popular Faverolles chicken breed in the USA, finding them isn’t too extreme a chore.
- Purely Poultry, out of Fremont, WI, offers a supply of female, male, and non-sexed Salmon Faverolles.
- From Rudd, IA, day-old males, females, and unsexed Salmon Faverolles are available at various times of the year.
- There are also periodic supplies of Salmon Faverolles at My Pet Chicken in Monroe, CT.
- Seasonally, from February to July, you can find Salmon Faverolles at Cackle Hatchery in Lebanon, MO.
- Meyer Hatchery in Folk, Ohio, also has seasonal supplies of Faverolles.
Want an entertaining sort of bird, that is pleasing to the eyes as well as the egg basket? Then a Salmon Faverolles might just be something you NEED to add to your flock of fun birds.
Do you own any Salmon Faverolles chickens? Leave a comment below!
Maat van Uitert is a backyard chicken and sustainable living expert. She is also the author of Chickens: Naturally Raising A Sustainable Flock, which was a best seller in it’s Amazon category. Maat has been featured on NBC, CBS, AOL Finance, Community Chickens, the Huffington Post, Chickens magazine, Backyard Poultry, and Countryside Magazine. She lives on her farm in Southeast Missouri with her husband, two children, and about a million chickens and ducks. You can follow Maat on Facebook here and Instagram here.