lettuce in a field for april planting

What To Do In Your Garden In April [Planting Guide]

It’s April, and that means in most USDA gardening zones, there’s lots of work to be done! Want the exact organic, non-GMO heirloom seeds we use on our homestead? We love Seeds Now! We’re in Zone 7, so we’ve already set out our cool weather crops, and by the first week of April, we’ll be…

carrots planting

Save Money With A Backyard Chicken Fall Garden [Podcast]

Although it’s still the middle of summer, starting a fall garden for your chickens means when cooler weather rolls around, your flock can still enjoy fresh, organic treats. In cooler weather, your chickens are more likely to suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiency, especially if you rely heavily on foraging to supplement your flock’s diet….

Green vegetables

11 Vegetables You Can Start In August For A Full Fall Harvest

It’s August, which means it’s time to start thinking about cool weather vegetables! (Y’all were thinking about pumpkin spice, weren’t you?) (This article is an excerpt from my #1 Amazon Best Selling book Organic By Choice: The (Secret) Rebel’s Guide To Backyard Gardening. You can grab it on sale on by clicking here!) Even though…

Think it's too late to start a garden? Think again! Here's 20 Vegetables You Can Start In July For A Full Fall Harvest!

20 Vegetables You Can Start In July For A Full Fall Harvest

It might be July, and you might be thinking your gardening window has slammed shut, but don’t despair: There’s still PLENTY you can plant for a full fall harvest. (This article is an excerpt from my #1 Amazon Best Selling book Organic By Choice: The (Secret) Rebel’s Guide To Backyard Gardening. You can grab it…

It's June! Wonder what you can still plant?
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It’s June…Here’s 17 Vegetables You Can Still Plant For a Full Fall Harvest!

It maybe June (can you believe we’re halfway through the year?), but there’s still plenty you can plant for a late summer/fall harvest! (This is an excerpt from my #1 Amazon Bestselling book Organic By Choice: The (Secret) Rebel’s Guide To Backyard Gardening. If you want a great resource to help you grow everything listed…

Beautiful tomato sitting on a counter with blurred background
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Using Eggshells In the Garden – It Improved Our Tomatoes 100%

Problem tomatoes with brown and black spots on the ends? Fix this by using eggshells in the garden! These are symptoms of calcium deficiency – and your garden needs some serious first aid! You CAN fix it – if you’re fast enough! That’s where your leftover eggshells come in. If you have chickens or eat a…