Brahma Rooster on all white background
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10 Awesome Rooster Breeds

Lovely flock of hens desperately seeking strong, protective, handsome rooster breeds. Have you seen this advertisement in your local paper? Probably not, but if chickens (or chicken owners) could make it happen – they would. Roosters play an important role in the world of chickens. They not only have a built-in nostalgic alarm, but they…

Minorca rooster on grassy background

Minorca Chicken – Big Eggs, Big Features, Big Personality

Aside from being the largest of the Mediterranean chicken breeds, the Minorca chicken has a lot of other attributes that land in the “big” category. This fun and spunky breed is an attention-getter for sure. Follow me to learn all about this interesting breed. What’s the Big Deal About Minorca Chickens? Funny you should ask….

Walk in chicken coop

Walk-In Chicken Coops — The Truly Practical Guide

There are all kinds of walk-in chicken coops, both complete and ready-to-buy, as well as DIY plans, but there are a lot of things you need to think about before getting (or building) a coop. Trust me when I say, you don’t want to be stuck and irritated with the end result. This should be…

ISA Brown chicken standing in front of a red brick background

ISA Brown – Weird Name, Mysterious History, Wonderful Chicken

What in the world are ISA Brown chickens? They may have a weird name and a mysterious history — but I assure you, they are WONDERFUL chickens. If you want an incredibly friendly, even cuddly, chicken that provides you with PLENTY of eggs all year long then ISA Brown’s are what you want. Keep reading…

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte hen up close with a blurred background

Raise Blue Laced Red Wyandottes – For A Colorful Flock of Chickens!

Have you ever seen a photo of a very pretty chicken and decided you MUST have one? That’s how I learned about Blue Laced Red Wyandottes! In this article, you’ll discover why these hens and roosters are so beautiful, how to breed them, what color eggs they lay, and more! This is truly a special…