Not sure how to feed your flock when your chickens are different ages? It's easy if you remember two simple rules of thumb. From FrugalChicken

Feeding Chickens In A Flock Of Different Ages

One frequent question I get is about feeding a flock of chickens that are different ages. It can be confusing since chicks have different requirements than laying hens. On our farm, we keep chicks and laying hens separate because both are precious commodities. The hens produce eggs, but the chicks will be our future egg…

Gorgeous Rooster standing in grass

Adding A Rooster To Your Flock: Care & Quirks

A good rooster is like gold – seriously. The purpose of a rooster is, above all, to protect your hens. Their ability to fertilize their eggs is another benefit, albeit a secondary one. In addition to adding beauty to your flock, a good rooster will take care of your hens and provide you with companionship…

Got funky eggs? Abnormal chicken eggs happen to all of us - it's just a matter of time. Here's 10 weird eggs and everything you need to know. From FrugalChicken

10 Abnormal Chicken Eggs & What You Need To Know!

Abnormal chicken eggs: If you own chickens, it’s just a matter of time before you get one that makes you scratch your head and wonder “What the heck?” Don’t worry. Usually, abnormal eggs just happen, and although they can mean your chicken is sick or stressed, they aren’t necessarily something to be concerned about.  (New to chicken keeping?…

Four bags of different kinds of chicken feed

Organic Homemade Chicken Feed Recipe (That Won’t Break The Bank)

Of course most people are interested in feeding their chicken flock a homemade, organic, non-gmo feed – you are what you eat, after all – but if you’re anything like me, the expense is a big factor. Until now. I’ve cracked the code on creating a homemade organic feed recipe your chicken will love, and your wallet will love…

Time to make a DIY automatic chicken waterer and reduce the amount of time you spend on barn chores. Make an automatic chicken waterer in just a few easy steps!
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Easiest DIY Automatic Chicken Waterer You’ll Ever Make

With it getting hotter, I wanted to show you a DIY automatic chicken waterer we made right on the homestead. It cost us under $5 to make, but it solves so many problems on the farm. The last thing we want is for our animals to be thirsty or get heat stroke, and this DIY automatic chicken…

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