Graphic of chicken pooping and dreaming of a diaper

Chicken Diapers – The Most Fantastic Chicken Lovers Gadget

Our culture has come so far. In some ways it’s concerning, in the wonderful world of pets – it’s fantastic. Chicken diapers are one of the coolest inventions for modern-day pet chickens. It’s true, there are many crazy chicken people out there who have house chickens in addition to their backyard chickens. To be honest,…

Columiban Wyandotte chicken standing on green ground cover with fence in background

Columbian Wyandotte – The Best Unknown Backyard Chicken

If you’re looking for an ideal backyard chicken, the Columbian Wyandotte is a perfect choice. These chickens are visually appealing with their striking, black-and-white feathers and are also quite hardy and easy to take care of. Columbian Wyandottes are a unique breed that many simply haven’t heard about before. Let’s do this thing and learn…

Salmon Faverolles on an oll white background

Faverolles Chickens

What comes to mind when you hear these attributes: beards, 5 toes on each foot, and muffs? Did Faverolles chickens come to mind? Probably not. Finding a breed of chicken with such oddities could certainly make your home flock the talk of the town. If this is what you’re after, then a Faverolles Chicken is for…

Whimsical chicken on all white background

Can Chickens Swim? What A Whimsical Question!

Have you ever been relaxing on your back porch, gazing out over your beautiful land, and watching your chickens do the backstroke across your pond? Not likely. But can chickens swim? Perhaps I have captured your attention. Put your swimsuit and goggles on and let’s swim on through this whimsical topic. Are Chickens Equipped To…

Rooster crowing with front porch steps in background

Uncovering The Mystery – Why Do Roosters Crow?

Have you ever heard a rooster crowing loudly during the morning sunrise or near sunset? If you have, then you must have wondered “Why do roosters crow?” Roosters have long been an icon of the farm and countryside. They have been used to wake up farmers and announce the start of the day. But why…