3 steps to gaining control of your finances

3 Steps to Save Money, Gain Control, and Be a Frugal Rockstar

So you want to be a rockstar. A frugal rockstar, that is. My story: When we moved to our homestead, our financial life was out of control.  We were way stressed because we were constantly trying to keep up with the financial output. I adjusted how we were living to cut our spending and increase our control. The out-of-control, impossible-to-keep-up…

Chicken Update!

Sigh. As a horse breeder, I’m pretty used to hormones and hormonal animals. I’ve developed patience, and learned to accept there are just days when nature gets the best of all of us, and my creatures act in not-so-pretty ways. But these chickens are stressing me out.  I introduced some new roosters into my flock…


How to Save Money Fast – This One Action Saved Us Over $350 Per Month

Everyone wants to save money fast, including me. When we moved to the homestead, our financial lives were out of control.  I mean beyond out of control, spending money hand over fist. We weren’t in debt, but we were blowing through our savings, and I had had enough. We needed to get to a $0…

How To Hatch Chicken Eggs

How to Hatch Chicken Eggs (Even Without Incubators)

Fluffy chicks are the best and learning how to hatch chicken eggs (and hatch eggs at home without an incubator) is a ton of fun! Letting Mother Nature (who knows how to incubate chicken eggs perfectly) do her thing is always best, but if your hens aren’t broody (wanting to sit on eggs) or if…

How to Make Laundry Detergent At Home

How to Make Laundry Detergent at Home

For years, we simply purchased laundry detergent from the dollar store, not ever thinking about making our own. When we moved to our homestead, and as the desire to produce more than we consumed became greater, I researched how to make laundry detergent at home, and found that we could save more by producing our own….