They’re big. They’re feather-footed. And they’re undeniably fancy.
Brahma chickens are fantastic dual-purpose birds you can raise on your farm. Although these chickens are some of the most popular meat birds, they can nonetheless be difficult to find in your local area.
Therefore, it’s important to find a reliable hatchery that will ship Brahma chicks right to your door. Here are some of our favorite Brahma chick hatcheries for you to consider.
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1. Cackle Hatchery
Average Straight-Run Brahma Chick Price: $3.05
Located in Missouri, Cackle Hatchery is one of the largest online chick retailers. Not only can you find more than 185 different kinds of chickens here, including broiler, egg0laying, and bantam species of all kinds, but Cackle also specializes in several rare breeds.
At Cackle, you can also find other species of poultry like geese, turkeys, ducks, game fowl, and more. You can also buy Brahma fertile hatching eggs if you want to raise your own birds from start to finish. There are also exhibition-line birds available for purchase, too.
You’ll be required to purchase at least 15 birds in most cases. However, Cackle does offer a unique “city/town” package in which you can buy just five to ten birds, but they’ll be priced higher per bird on average.
- Bantam and exhibition birds available
- Pullets can be purchased instead of chicks
- Low average chick price
- Limited inventory of Brahma birds
2. Meyer Hatchery
Average Straight-Run Brahma Chick Price: $4.35
Meyer Hatchery is another large hatchery, this one located in Ohio. Along with a variety of chick breeds, you can also buy things like hatching eggs, books, coops, and pullets.
One of the benefits of ordering from Meyer Hatchery is that you are only required to order three birds (as long as you order at opportune times of the year). This is a good option for people who are interested in raising a small flock of Brahma chickens and don’t want to deal with the hassle of minimum orders of ten or more birds.
If you live close to the hatchery, you can even pick up on-site!
- Only a 3-chick minimum
- Sells light, buff, and dark Brahma chicks
- Sells other kinds of Brahma-raising equipment too
- No substantial discounts for orders of more than 25 birds
3. Purely Poultry
Average Straight-Run Brahma Chick Price: $3.85
Purely Poultry is a family-owned business that specializes in Brahma chickens along with chickens of other breeds. You can also buy things like waterfowl, turkeys, peafowl, quail, and more, here, too.
If you’re buying baby Brahma chicks, you’ll be required to order at least three birds. However, if you’re willing to wait for adult birds, there are no shipping restrictions on how many you need to order. Located in Wisconsin, this company specializes in Brahma Bantams, Buff Brahmas, Dark Brahams, and Light Brahmas.
- All kinds of Brahmas available
- Minimum order of 3 birds
- Has a live arrival guarantee
- No apparent discount for purchasing in bulk
4. Townline Hatchery
Average Straight-Run Brahma Chick Price: $4.20
Townline Hatchery is one of the oldest hatcheries on this list, having been in business for more than a century. One of the greatest benefits of ordering with Townline Hatchery is that the company maintains its own breeder flocks. Everything is raised on-site so you can rest assured that your chicks are raised in the ideal conditions.
The employees here are some of the best, attending to each and every chick each day as they gather eggs, set up incubators, and care for the fresh hatches. Townline also has excellent customer service – you can tell that this hatchery has really worked out the kinks in its more than 100 years of operation. Located in Michigan, this hatchery is actually the oldest mail-order hatchery in the country!
You’ll have to buy chicks in minimum batches of fifteen, making it a less than ideal situation for people who want to raise Brahams in small urban settings. However, if you’re buying in bulk, Townline is the way to go, since this hatchery offers a discount of more than $2 per bird when you order 100 chicks or more.
Light, Buff, and Dark Brahmas are available.
- Has a solid reputation
- Excellent customer service
- Significant discounts for ordering multiple chicks
- Has limited hatching availability around the year
5. Murray McMurray Hatchery
Average Straight-Run Brahma Chick Price: $3.90
Despite the funny, somewhat repetitive-sounding name, Murray McMurray is one of the best places to buy Brahma chicks in the United States. You’ll find all kinds of poultry – of all ages – here, but it’s best known for its baby chicks.
As one of the largest hatcheries in the country, it’s headquartered in Iowa. you can buy light, buff, or dark Brahma chicks along with pullets here. Unlike many other hatcheries, you’ll get a significant discount for purchasing sexed male chicks, which are about $.90 cheaper than unsexed birds.
- Male chicks are cheaper here
- Pullets available
- Can mix and match breeds
- Minimum order of six chicks
6. My Pet Chicken
Average Straight-Run Brahma Chick Price: $3.25
My Pet Chicken is a website that offers a wealth of information about how to raise chickens, but what many people don’t realize is that this website is also a great resource for ordering baby chicks, too. Located in Connecticut, this is one of the few chick hatcheries located on the eastern seaboard.
This hatchery specializes in small orders. You can purchase as little as three chicks and you don’t have to order a certain number of breeds, either. If your heart isn’t set on only Brahmas, you can also order chicks of other breeds for a “mix and match” order, too.
You can buy all the gear you will need to raise your Brahma chicks here, too, including chicken saddles and diapers, fencing, fertile hatching eggs, and more. As the name implies, this hatchery is one of the best for people who are interested in raising pet chickens.
- High live chick rate
- Only requires a minimum order of three chicks
- Several breeds can all be shipped at once together
- Limited Brahma availability at certain times of the year
7. California Hatchery
Average Straight-Run Brahma Chick Price: $5.99
Although California Hatchery ships to anywhere in the United States, this is one of the few hatcheries on the west coast. Here, you’ll find both light and buff Brahma chickens, along with bantam Brahmas, too. This hatchery specializes in exhibition fowl, so you’ll get good genetics and reliable shipping, too.
- Comes with a safe arrival guarantee
- Minimum order of just three chicks
- One of the best Brahma hatcheries on the west coast
- High per chick price
8. Valley Farms Hatchery
Average Straight-Run Brahma Chick Price: $2.60
Located in Alabama, Valley Farms Hatchery is one of the few hatcheries you will find in the southern portion of the United States. The company guarantees 100% live delivery on all orders and is one of the best places to purchase Brahma chicks. You can not only buy light, dark, and buff birds, but you can also buy bantam Brahmas and hatching eggs here, too.
This hatchery offers some of the lowest prices per bird. You’ll have to buy at least three birds, unless you’re buying males – then, the minimum order is only one bird. There are discounts for buying more than 50 birds, too, though not as substantially marked down as some of the other hatchers on this list.
- Minimum of one chick if you’re buying males
- Hatching eggs and bantams available
- 100% live delivery guarantee
- Limited availability
9. Hoovers Hatchery
Average Straight-Run Brahma Chick Price: $3.65
Hoover’s Hatchery is one of the best Brahma chick hatcheries if you don’t want to deal with extra shipping expenses. Here, you’ll enjoy free shipping on just about everything. You do have to invest in an order of at least 15 birds, though, so be prepared to buy in bulk.
Along with Brahma chicks, you can find chicken breeds of all kinds. You can also buy geese, turkeys, bantams, pheasants, ducks, guinea keets, and more. Located in Iowa, this hatchery is one of the few that hatches chicks all through the winter, too.
- Good refund policy
- Hatches chicks year-round
- Sells all kinds of Brahma chicks, including light, dark, and buff
- Large minimum order required
10. Stromberg’s Chickens
Average Straight-Run Brahma Chick Price: $5.19
Located in Minnesota, Stromberg’s is one of the best and most well-known online hatcheries around. It is incredibly large, specializing not only in baby chicks of all breeds, but also adult birds. You can also find rare species like pigeons, doves, ducks, and more, along with equipment like coop building supplies and wild birdhouses.
Stromberg’s sells all kinds of Brahma chicks, including dark and buff variations. You’ll enjoy a discount of about $2 per bird when you order more than 100 birds, with smaller discounts available for purchases of 25 or 50 chicks, too. Stromberg’s is a large company that regularly offers special promotions and discounts on chicks – including free shipping.
- Sold as live chicks or eggs
- Minimum order of five birds
- Regular discounts available
- Shipping dates are not calculated at check-out – you don’t get them until your order goes out
Maat van Uitert is a backyard chicken and sustainable living expert. She is also the author of Chickens: Naturally Raising A Sustainable Flock, which was a best seller in it’s Amazon category. Maat has been featured on NBC, CBS, AOL Finance, Community Chickens, the Huffington Post, Chickens magazine, Backyard Poultry, and Countryside Magazine. She lives on her farm in Southeast Missouri with her husband, two children, and about a million chickens and ducks. You can follow Maat on Facebook here and Instagram here.