Naked Neck Chicken Turken on green grass

Naked Neck Chicken – You’ll Love This Ugly Little Turken

Is it a turkey? Is it a chicken? Is it a cross between the two? It’s so ugly it’s cute – the Naked Neck Chicken, otherwise known as a Turken – is quite a bird. Want to learn more? You are in the right place at the right time. Let’s do this! This specialty bird…

Up close of hands holding 4 black chicken eggs

Black Chicken Eggs AND the Fountain of Youth

We’ve all heard all the hype about fake news. What about fake eggs? There’s no end to false information being passed around, but do black chicken eggs fall into this category? You might just be surprised by the answer. Grab your basket and go on an egg hunt with me…starting…NOW. Black Chicken Eggs – Fact…

Minorca rooster on grassy background

Minorca Chicken – Big Eggs, Big Features, Big Personality

Aside from being the largest of the Mediterranean chicken breeds, the Minorca chicken has a lot of other attributes that land in the “big” category. This fun and spunky breed is an attention-getter for sure. Follow me to learn all about this interesting breed. What’s the Big Deal About Minorca Chickens? Funny you should ask….