Ever try an eglu cube?

We tried an Eglu Cube Chicken Coop & Here’s What Happened.

This article is sponsored by Omlet. In exchange for an Eglu Cube and run, we agreed to review the coop. However, this review is our objective opinion and honest thoughts about our experience with the Eglu Cube. Testing out Omlet’s Eglu Cube We tested the Eglu Cube with 5 young chickens – 3 pullets and…

white backyard chickens

Use This Insanely Foolproof Hack To Keep Your Chicken’s Water From Freezing This Winter!

Cold weather will soon be here….and that means frozen chicken waterers. The last thing we want on our farm is for our hens to go without water but it’s sometimes hard to avoid when the temperatures drop – especially if those stainless steel nipples are involved. (Want to get 7 more GENIUS hacks to keep…

get rid of bugs on your pets with essential oils
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Bugs Bugging Your Pets? Here’s 3 All Natural Essential Oils You Can Use To Keep Bugs At Bay!

Today, I’m going to show you how you can use essential oils to prevent and deter insects that can bother your pets. With some notable exceptions (which we’ll talk about below), essential oils are safe to use on and around your pets when diluted with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil (on large animals,…

Build a duck house in 1 hour and for free!
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Free Duck House Plans: We Built A Free Duck House In 1 Hour With Recycled Materials (And So Can You!)

If you have ducks, they’ll need a place to live, right? That’s where our free duck house plans come in! We added 4 new ducks to our farm this year: 2 Khaki Campbells and 2 Pekins. We even hit the jackpot and managed to get both a hen and a dake of each breed! Sometimes things…

The Best Bedding For Backyard Chickens is a controversial topic. Discover your options and which you should use!

The Best Bedding For Backyard Chickens [Podcast]

If you’ve ever asked yourself “what’s the best bedding for a chicken coop,” the first thing you should know is, for some reason, this is a very controversial topic in the chicken world. I think it is very interesting how people get emotional about something as simple as the best bedding for a chicken coop,…