flower seedling in a pot ready for planting
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Seed Starting Hacks That Will Make Growing a Garden Easier

Sometimes your plants might need a little bit of a head start before they will be able to grow outside in your garden. These crops might need just a little bit longer to grow before they are ready to be planted outside. Plants that have smaller seeds are especially important to start indoors because if…

Fresh organic radish in woman's hand

Try These 2 Ridiculously Easy Hacks For A Healthier Garden!!

Ok, so gardening can be really hard for beginners. The first year I started gardening I remember being so frustrated that my garden wasn’t producing like I wanted it to.  Gardening takes A LOT of work and patience and so it can be really frustrating for beginners when their garden isn’t doing exactly what they…

gardening gifts for fathers day

10 Father’s Day Gifts Your Gardening Dad Will Love!

Father’s Day is coming up, and so I’ve started looking for gifts for the hubby. And there is absolutely nothing I love more than gardening themed gifts! I wrote a post about gardening themed gifts for Mother’s Day and I thought it would be fun to write another one for all of the dads out…

Beautiful tomato sitting on a counter with blurred background
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Using Eggshells In the Garden – It Improved Our Tomatoes 100%

Problem tomatoes with brown and black spots on the ends? Fix this by using eggshells in the garden! These are symptoms of calcium deficiency – and your garden needs some serious first aid! You CAN fix it – if you’re fast enough! That’s where your leftover eggshells come in. If you have chickens or eat a…

Use Coffee Grounds In Your Garden for a Healthier Harvest!
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5 Pro Tips To Use Coffee Grounds In Your Garden!

Coffee grounds are one of those hidden treasures that can transform your garden. If you make a cup of coffee every day, then you have an amazing source of organic matter at your fingertips that can help you grow a healthy harvest of fresh vegetables. Coffee grounds are full of nitrogen, which as you know, is the…

How to Grow A Perennial Herb Garden. It's a simple luxury that's easy to grow. Here's how to do it, and what you'll need. From FrugalChicken
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How To Plant A Perennial Herb Garden

One of our goals this year is to expand our herb garden, and try to establish it as a true perennial herb garden. I’d like it if, year after year, we got as many plants as possible to voluntarily grow and produce aromatic herbs and seeds. Our hens love herbs, and it’s one of those…

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