Cute chicken egg in a little flower pot with a crochet hat

Can You Freeze Eggs?

Thinking about freezing chicken eggs because you’re getting so many? Read on for my best tips! Eggs are incredibly valuable: within them lie the blueprints of life. But they’re also sustenance. The vast amount of cultures around the world that raise chickens for eggs has made their eggs one of, if not THE most essential…

Chick eating while being held

Medicated Vs Unmedicated Chick Starter

The debate about medicated vs unmedicated chick starter has been raging for decades. Controversies are often unavoidable, especially when it comes to the well-being of our human and animal families. Being informed is important and this post is aimed at doing just that! There is lots of bickering back and forth on social media about…

Chickens on roosting bars in a coop

Chicken Feather Loss – Grow Feathers Back Fast

Are your hen’s feathers looking a little sparse these days, you might not just be imagining it. Chicken feather loss can be caused by many things. There are several culprits behind why your hen might be losing her feathers, but if you’re looking for more information on how to help your hen grow her feathers…

crumbles mash chick starter chicks on a stick

Are Crumbles Or Mash Better For Chicks?

Main Takeaways & Extra Info: Crumbles and mash are just different ways to feed starter to chicks. One isn’t necessarily better than the other. It’s important that whichever you feed, the chick starter has at least 18% protein. I feed a mash because I want to make sure my chicks can eat it (particle sizes…