Khaki Campbell Duckling
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Khaki Campbell Ducks – An Amazing Duck Breed You Will Love

Khaki Campbell Ducks are great beginner ducks with fun personalities. You will fall in love with this egg making entertainer. When I decided to dive into the world of duck ownership, I did a LOT of research. I was a bit nervous about this endeavor because it was a new and completely unchartered territory. After…

Araucana Chicken

Araucana Chickens – Extremely Rare Breed Worth Checking Out

The Araucana Chicken Breed is extremely rare and that is precisely the thing that draws chickens lovers to them. Araucana’s are so often confused with the Ameraucana and Easter Egger breeds, but they are very different if you know what you are looking for. We will explore this unique and rare breed, it’s characteristics, and…

Welsummer Chickens

Welsummer Chickens – Iconic Chickens With a Royal Twist

Welsummer chickens are loved by so many, find out what makes them such great backyard birds. This breed holds a special place in my heart as my very first rooster was a Welsummer. I wanted that iconic rooster – with a boisterous, large full tail sporting plenty of beautiful, shiny green feathers! As far as I knew, it…

Sapphire Gem Chicken

Sapphire Gem Chickens – Unique With a Purpose

Sapphire Gem Chickens are not your average bird. If you like unique chickens with a purpose, then it’s time to go shopping! My husband DID get me a wedding ring, but after years of learning what matters most and a cultivated love for chickens – I might just trade it in for one of these…

How roosters fertilize eggs

How Roosters Fertilize Eggs? (The Complete Process)

A practical guide to learn all about how roosters fertilize chicken eggs, including interesting and surprising facts you never knew! The Birds (literally) and the Bees If you have chickens, or are thinking of getting chickens, this age-old question has probably crossed your mind in one way or another. How do roosters fertilize chicken eggs?…

Runner Ducks

Runner Ducks 101

The Runner duck breed is a super popular breed for many reasons. Practical, useful things you need to know about Runner ducks. Admittedly, I am a critter lover. There’s probably not an animal I wouldn’t have if my hubby didn’t rein me in from time to time. One animal I’d love to have is none…