Colorful rooster with clear image of the spur on its leg

Rooster Spurs – Natural Protective Weapons

Rooster spurs are VERY intimidating to look at. And if you’ve ever been “spurred” by a rooster you will likely always be leery of roosters from then on out. I get it. They are scary, and they can hurt you. However, most roosters use them for the protection of their hens, and not for attacking…


Quail Eggs – Tiny Nutritional Powerhouses

Sometimes we get stuck in the norm and forget to expand our horizons. Quail eggs are little nutritional powerhouses that simply don’t get enough mainstream recognition. Let me show you how these eggs are small but mighty! Quail are delightful little birds with many purposes. I didn’t know much about quail until well into my…

Balck Copper Maran

Black Copper Marans – Do They Really Lay Chocolate Eggs?

Black Copper Marans are becoming all the rage for folks seeking unique colored eggs. But do they really lay chocolate eggs? Follow me to the end of the rainbow to find out, plus a whole lot more! I am one of those chicken lovers who not only loves to watch chickens of all colors roam…

Dominique Chicken

Dominique Chickens – Vintage Breed That Fared Well Through The Great Depression

The Dominique chicken breed is a special breed that, unfortunately, not many have heard about. It’s thought to be the oldest known breed in America having arrived in the 1750s or earlier (of course, I’m sure the Natives had chickens of some kind). Dominique chickens became a regular addition to MANY American farms by the…

Barnevelder Chicken

Barnevelder Chickens – Fancy Feathered Friends That Won’t Wear Out Their Welcome

If you have standard breeds of chickens but want a fancier yet solid dual-purpose breed, Barnevelder chickens are right up your alley! These are not your everyday chickens due to the gorgeous pattern they flaunt. It’s really quite exquisite. But they are more than just a pretty barnyard knick-knack. Follow me to the barn to…