Build a worm compost bin for free garden fertilizer!

Worm Compost Bins: Here’s How We Used Worms To Get The Best Free Garden Fertilizer We’ve Ever Seen

Got a garden that’s not quite flush with healthy green veggies? So did we – so we created garden fertilizer with a worm compost bin! And we now have a healthy, consistent source of fertilizer – totally free. (This article is an excerpt from my book, Organic By Choice: The (Secret) Rebel’s Guide To Backyard…

Use Rabbit manure in your garden for a better harvest!
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3 Ways To Use Rabbit Manure To Improve Your Garden!

As you probably know, we raise rabbits on our homestead, which means we have a LOT of rabbit manure. What you may not know is that rabbit manure is one of the easiest to use, yet super healthy, fertilizers for your garden. In this article, I’m going to show you how to use rabbit poop…

Not sure what crops to grow in May? Here's a guide!

Not Sure What Crops To Grow In May? Here’s Answers! [Planting Guide]

It’s May, but for different areas of the country, that means different crops you can start! Here in Zone 7, we’re well under way, and have already harvested our cool weather crops, and my tomato plants have had a sudden growth spurt. My friends in Zones 3 and 4, however, are just getting started (and…

perennial plant

10 Strategic Tips for Choosing the Best Perennial Plants for Your Garden

Spring is here….and like everyone, we’re not just planting vegetables, but we’re looking to establish permanent flower beds to liven up duller parts of the homestead. I don’t exactly have the greenest thumb out there, and perennials certainly aren’t my area of expertise, so I’ve invited my friend Valerie of Aspiring Homemaker to tell us how…

Harvest Water Off Grid With A Rain Barrel!

Rain Barrels: How To Choose, Install & Use Them For Off-Grid Water

If you really want to go off-grid, you will need rain barrel so you can harvest rainwater and repurpose it. We try to conserve rainwater on our farm, especially since we’ve lived on properties that required an electric well pump – and when the electricity was out, guess what! No water! Not good when you…