Vent gleet is disgusting but it's easily preventable and easily treated. Here's everything you need to know!

Vent Gleet: Identifying & Treating

If you’re eating, then stop before reading this article about vent gleet. It’s actually the photos of backyard chickens that’ll turn you off, not really the content. But you’ve been warned that there’s some super yummy photos ahead. (You can help hens with vent gleet by giving them apple cider vinegar. You can learn to…

101 Delicious Pickle Recipes You Can Make Practically For Free

100+ Crazy Delicious Pickle Recipes You Can Make Practically For Free

When your garden is in full swing, and you’re harvesting more than you can eat, what do you do? Preserve your hard won vegetables of course! Even if you shop at the farmer’s market, chances are, you won’t be able to pass up that great deal on cauliflower, radishes, and more, right? Pickling your veggies is…

6 questions to ask before getting chickens

6 Questions To Ask Before Getting Chickens [Podcast]

There’s no point in getting chickens if you’re not prepared…and preparation includes more than just buying a coop and some chicks. Every year, I get messages from new chicken owners who got chicks at their local feed store….and they’re a bit over their heads. There’s a consistent theme to their questions and concerns that could…

Ultimate Baby Chick Guide

Preparing For Baby (Chicks, That Is!) [Podcast]

Baby chick season is almost here….and they have special needs adult chickens don’t. We are definitely getting chicks this spring (despite what my husband says!), and right now we’re busy preparing for their arrival. Baby chicks are a needy bunch, and it’s best to be prepared before they show up on your doorstep (ask me…

5 all-natural coop sprays made with essential oils

Essential Oil Coop Sprays for Healthier Backyard Chickens [Podcast]

Using store-bought chemical cleaners in your coop is a recipe for disaster. On our homestead, we try to stick with all-natural cleaners – who wants an egg full of toxins, right? I’ve found that essential oils are a great natural alternative that promote a healthier living environment and might even help your chickens lay better! (A…

what to feed chickens for great tasting eggs

5 Edibles You Can Feed Your Chickens For Great Tasting Eggs! [Podcast]

Getting eggs is one thing….but getting GREAT eggs is an entirely different matter. In this episode, we look at 5 edibles you can feed your chickens for great tasting eggs! You’ll discover: How to make sure your hens have an optimal diet What to feed for healthy yolks How to adjust the pH of their…