Before you buy any more groceries, read this list of 7 natural flavorings you should avoid!

“Natural Flavorings” You Should Avoid Unless You Want To Eat Beaver Butt

Did you know natural colors and flavorings found in everyday foods are derived from nature (from some…interesting sources, which we’ll get into) but are so over processed they’re actually only slightly different than their artificial counterparts? Just the other day, I purchased a drink. Of course, I read the label, which listed “natural flavors” as…

how to feed your rabbits for free feature
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Grow Free Food For Rabbits & Chickens! Here’s How We Did it!

Buying grain for your livestock can add up – ask me how I know. This year, we decided to do something different – we planted a garden to grow greens for our rabbits and chickens. It’s been a success and now we have enough free food for everyone to have an extra bite every day…

Build a duck house in 1 hour and for free!
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Free Duck House Plans: We Built A Free Duck House In 1 Hour With Recycled Materials (And So Can You!)

If you have ducks, they’ll need a place to live, right? That’s where our free duck house plans come in! We added 4 new ducks to our farm this year: 2 Khaki Campbells and 2 Pekins. We even hit the jackpot and managed to get both a hen and a dake of each breed! Sometimes things…

Keeping Hens In Water Over Winter

The Big Chill: How To Keep Your Hens Hydrated Over Winter [Podcast]

Winter is well on its way…which means keeping your hens flush with water will get a little bit harder. You can always use an electric water heater….but I know most of you don’t have electricity out to your coop. In this podcast, we cover how to provide water when the mercury dips, as well as…