brahma backyard chicken hen

Treats For Your Chickens To Make Them Go WILD!

Got chickens that love treats? Me too. Often, I can’t walk into the coop without practically being mauled, and if I have dried insect treats, it’s over. This article is inspired by my new book, Cluck Cakes, which shows you how to make 11 gourmet treats for your hens! They’re organic, all natural, and hens…

Close up of two hens with minor feather loss from molting

Got Chickens Molting? Here’s What To Do.

Molting chickens can be stressful because, well, your flock looks naked and like they’re unhealthy. In fact, they can look like they’ve been to hell and back. They can look scruffy, and you might worry that they’re sick. And you might even take them to the vet! When we say “chickens molting,” you might wonder…

Chick standing next to an egg on all white background

What Does a Fertilized Egg Look Like + Top 3 Mistakes You Need To Avoid

If you have chickens, chances are you’re wondering “What does a fertilized egg look like?” I have the answers plus some tried and true tips! The first time we hatched chicks on our homestead, it was a great day – we could increase our flock (and our food supply), develop our own line of healthy…

Your chicken emergency kit needs to include these critical items!

Chicken Emergency Kits: Making Stressful Situations Less Intimidating!

It’s always a very good idea to create your own chicken emergency kit – and in this article, I’m going to give you ideas about what to keep in it. While we all might like to think our chicken-keeping experience will be bucolic and without any trouble, the straight truth is you will likely come…

Real Homesteader Stories episode 5
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Real Homesteader Stories Episode 5!: The Ditch That’ll Save Us All, Broody Hens, & Duckling Update! [Video]

I had to take a break from recording anything thanks to chronic strep throat, but I’m back with a new episode of Real Homesteader Stories! In this episode, I reveal the ditch that’s supposed to save us from the flooding in the MidWest (you can guess about how well that went). I also give you…