Black Chicken Breeds: Ultimate List

Black Chicken Breeds: Ultimate List

Just like every woman needs a little black dress — every backyard flock needs black chicken breeds. Why? Because they are beautiful, elegant, and classy…and every flock should have at least one classy chick. 🐥 Luckily, black chicken breeds can be found easily in hatcheries and by private sellers. If you’re interested in getting to…

Brahma Chickens: What To Know Before You Buy!

Brahma Chickens: What To Know Before You Buy!

We own several Brahma chickens, and they make wonderful pets who lay lovely brown eggs (we also have one that lays lavender eggs!). In this article, I’m going to tell you everything there is to know about this breed! While Brahma chickens are known for growing into beasts the size of large turkeys, giving it…

Speckled Sussex Chickens – Gorgeous, friendly, productive, and so much fun to own!

Speckled Sussex Chickens – Gorgeous, friendly, productive, and so much fun to own!

Speckled Sussex Chickens are a beautiful sight and much more. Here’s everything you need to know about this breed of chickens! Speckled Sussex chickens have wonderful, inquisitive, and “big” personalities, not to mention the beautiful “speckles” on their feathers! Ours willingly sit on our laps or take treats from our hands – they’re the perfect…

6 Questions To Ask Before Getting Chickens [Podcast]

6 Questions To Ask Before Getting Chickens [Podcast]

There’s no point in getting chickens if you’re not prepared…and preparation includes more than just buying a coop and some chicks. Every year, I get messages from new chicken owners who got chicks at their local feed store….and they’re a bit over their heads. There’s a consistent theme to their questions and concerns that could…

Discover Your Perfect Backyard Chicken Flock With 5 Of The Best Egg Layers [Podcast]

Discover Your Perfect Backyard Chicken Flock With 5 Of The Best Egg Layers [Podcast]

Although it’s winter, now is the time to start thinking about what breeds you want to add to your backyard chicken flock. While all chickens will lay eggs, some are better layers than others. In this episode, we talk about 5 breeds you can add to your flock for consistent egg production. They also make…