Wonder "what vaccines do my chickens need?" Here's a list! (Article reviewed by a veterinarian on June 3, 2017)

What Vaccines Do My Chickens Need?

Quite frequently, I get messages from readers asking “What vaccines do my chickens need?” In this article, we’re going to cover what vaccines are available for your flock. (This article was reviewed for veterinary accuracy by a licensed veterinarian on June 3, 2017.) Before we get started, let’s get one thing out of the way: I’m…

Chick standing next to an egg on all white background

What Does a Fertilized Egg Look Like + Top 3 Mistakes You Need To Avoid

If you have chickens, chances are you’re wondering “What does a fertilized egg look like?” I have the answers plus some tried and true tips! The first time we hatched chicks on our homestead, it was a great day – we could increase our flock (and our food supply), develop our own line of healthy…

6 questions to ask before getting chickens

6 Questions To Ask Before Getting Chickens [Podcast]

There’s no point in getting chickens if you’re not prepared…and preparation includes more than just buying a coop and some chicks. Every year, I get messages from new chicken owners who got chicks at their local feed store….and they’re a bit over their heads. There’s a consistent theme to their questions and concerns that could…

5 decisions to make for your backyard chickens before spring arrives

5 Important Chicken Decisions To Make Before Spring Arrives

Spring will be here in just 90 days….are you ready? Although it’s the dead of winter, spring will be here before we know it….and there’s several decisions you should make NOW to prepare your flock for warmer weather. In this episode, we look at 5 decisions you should make before spring arrives.  You’ll learn: Which 2…

why chickens lay weird eggs

Why Backyard Chickens Lay Weird Looking Eggs & What To Do About It [Podcast]

If you’re a backyard chicken owner, you will probably find a weird egg or to in your coop eventually. Every day (yes, literally every day), I get an email from a fan who asks me why they got a weird-looking egg in their coop.  So, I decided to do a podcast about WHY chickens lay…

apple cider vinegar backyard chickens

Backyard Chickens & Apple Cider Vinegar: A Marriage Made In Heaven [Podcast]

You probably hear that apple cider vinegar is healthy for your backyard flock. But do you know why? We rely on apple cider vinegar on our farm. Buuuttt…I have some hard and fast rules when it comes to this magic liquid.  I’ll tell you one right now: I think homemade apple cider vinegar is the…