Are you ready to make the switch to organic sunscreens? I am.
It’s been 10 days since I switched out my sunscreen with Goddess Garden’s organic sunscreen. I’m sure you’ve been wondering how it’s been going!
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(In case you’re catching up: Goddess Garden believes in their product so much, they asked 15 bloggers (me included!) to test drive their organic sunscreens, and share the results. Even though Goddess Garden sent me their sunscreens to try, all my opinions are my own, so you can be sure you’re getting an honest appraisal!)
I keep talking about the smell, and that’s really because I can’t get over it. Every time I open the bottle, I instantly de-stress (and homesteading can be a frustrating lifestyle, let’s face it). The notes of tea tree oil and lavender permeate the scent of their sunscreens, and it’s wonderful that my body gets to smell like it.
As far as practicality goes, the all-natural, organic sunscreens do their job well. I’ve applied it daily, and even though I’ve been outdoors a lot lately between planting gardens and building pastures, Goddess Garden sunscreen has held up to the job. I haven’t burned AT ALL, and I’ve barely tanned (and it’s been 80 degrees and sunny).
The titanium dioxide and zinc oxide act in a way to block and scatter the sun’s rays – naturally, because they’re naturally reflective. These minerals are naturally occurring, too.
Even though I’ve been sweating and messing in the dirt, my sunscreen hasn’t worn off. The directions on the bottle state I should reapply every 4 hours, so I’ve done just that.

Most sunscreens are made of ingredients that allow nano-particles to permeate your skin and enter your bloodstream. According to Time magazine (you can read that article here), the ingredients in normal sunscreens can lead to premature aging and cancer.
I double checked with Goddess Garden, and their sunscreens are non-nano, meaning their ingredients are safe. Sounds good to me!
What’s in Goddess Garden organic sunscreen? I’ve already mentioned the tea-tree oil and lavender, as well as the active ingredients, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, but there’s also aloe vera, raspberry seed oil, and coconut oil, among other ingredients.
There’s different formulas for children and babies. Besides the zinc oxide (the same ingredient in diaper rash cream, so you know it’s safe), there’s also aloe vera, shea butter, lavender oil, coconut oil, radish root ferment (who doesn’t love a good ferment?), and sunflower oil.

If this sounds like it might work for your family, good news, you can buy Goddess Garden through Amazon! It’ll be delivered right to your doorstep. (I do get a small affiliate commission when you buy from Amazon at no extra cost to you, so thank you in advance if you do buy!)
There’s still time left in my 30-day test drive, and I can’t wait to fill you in on how it’s going!
(This is a sponsored post. Even though I’m being compensated, all opinions and research are my own, so you can be sure you’re getting an honest appraisal. If I love it – I’ll tell you. If I hate it, I’ll tell you that too!).
Until next time!
Maat van Uitert is a backyard chicken and sustainable living expert. She is also the author of Chickens: Naturally Raising A Sustainable Flock, which was a best seller in it’s Amazon category. Maat has been featured on NBC, CBS, AOL Finance, Community Chickens, the Huffington Post, Chickens magazine, Backyard Poultry, and Countryside Magazine. She lives on her farm in Southeast Missouri with her husband, two children, and about a million chickens and ducks. You can follow Maat on Facebook here and Instagram here.