Organic all-natural coop refresher is easy to make at home. If you need a quick chicken coop refresher spray recipe, this is perfect for backyard chicken beginners!
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Coop Refresher: All Natural & Organic

Yes, it’s true. You can make your own organic, all natural coop refresher, and it won’t even cost you a million dollars. While I love the commercial coop refresher products you can buy, there came a day on the farm when we NEEDED something to squelch the stench in the rabbit coop and the chicken…

white backyard chicken

How To Raise People Friendly Chickens

Who doesn’t want to raise people friendly chickens? If you’re keeping backyard chickens, it’s pretty likely you’re also keeping them as pets. Yeah, yeah, they lay eggs, and that’s great, but they also make great pets, right? Which means you likely want to raise people friendly chickens. And luckily, that’s a pretty easy thing for anyone…

chicken wire for backyard chicken coops and runs
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What Chicken Wire Is Best For A Coop?

Deciding what chicken wire you’ll put on your coop is a pretty important part of backyard chicken ownership. While we see our fluffy butts as cute feathered pets, the sad truth is the rest of the animal kingdom sees your chickens as dinner. So, we have to take steps to protect our hens, and that…

how to dehydrate tomatoes like a boss
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Dry Tomatoes Like A Boss With This Tutorial

Dried tomatoes add an amazing burst of flavor to any recipe and that’s why it is a must-have in my kitchen here at the farm. It gives delicious depth to my meals and it is fully packed with nutrients that our body will enjoy. There’s nothing better than something that’s good for your body and…

how to infuse oils with herbs
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How To Infuse Oil With Herbs For Traditional Home Remedies

Wondering how to infuse oil with herbs? It’s really simple – and incredibly useful. For millennia, humans have used herbs for all kinds of things – health, cooking, for religious purposes, keeping livestock healthy, and more. So, it’s nothing new to infuse oil with herbs for your own purposes. And there’s a reason for our…