Bresse Chicken flock in front of coop

Bresse Chicken – The Price Is Twice As Nice

Feeling like champagne and caviar? Why not throw in some expensive Bresse Chicken to make your night on the town complete? Why not? For starters, it might be hard to find. And since the price is twice as nice, you might settle for that chicken sandwich from your local fast food favorite! 😆 Bresse chicken…

Light Brahma hen standing in greenery with sunlight shining in around her

Light Brahma Chicken – Breed of Splendor

The Light Brahma is honestly one of my all-time favorite chicken breeds. They are so incredibly beautiful and some of the sweetest chickens you’ll ever meet. Pair that with their egg-laying and dual-purpose functionality – and you have yourself prized chickens.  Learn all the fun details about this breed of splendor. Read on… Appearance Light…

Ten of the Best Dual Purpose Chickens

Ten of the Best Dual Purpose Chickens

Chickens can be awesome for more than one reason. They are fun, and productive, provide us with breakfast, help us bake, and provide a healthy portion of protein. If you want dual-purpose chickens, it’s crucial to know what breeds are well-balanced and can get the job done. Dual-purpose chicken breeds are a popular choice for…

Dorking chicken standing on dirt covered area

Dorking Chicken Breed – Delightful Fluffers

If you are like me, when you hear the name Dorking chicken you are imagining a chicken with glasses that has tape wrapped around the center 🥸. However, the Dorking chicken breed is pretty cool 😎…but not often heard of. Prepare to be captivated by their rich history, their fluffy appearance, and the wonderful contributions…

Sumatra chicken standing in front of concrete wall

Sumatra Chicken – Mysterious Beauty

The Sumatra chicken breed, originating from Indonesia’s enchanting island of Sumatra, is a captivating sight to behold. With its glossy black feathers, adorned with a shimmering blue-green hue, these chickens are the picture of elegance and beauty. Beyond their stunning appearance, Sumatra chickens are a bit mysterious in history but still rich in culture making…