3. DIY Solar Oven
There’s many different ways to build a solar oven, and I’m sure you’ve seen one using a pizza box.
That one is a little too simple to be effective when homesteading, and I’m not sure it will get hot enough to actually cook anything substantial.
Here’s one that will get hot enough so in a grid-down situation, you can still have a hot meal, but that isn’t overly complicated to construct. And you can get everything for this homesteading activity from the dollar store!
Make it this weekend!
For this project you’ll need:
Two cardboard boxes (one at least 15 inch x 15 inch, the other slightly smaller)
Piece of cardboard at least 2 to 3 inches larger than the largest box
Roll of aluminum foil
Flat-black spray paint (you can also use black construction paper if you’re worried about chemicals)
An oven bag
Here’s how you make a simple DIY solar oven!
If you just want to buy one (and that’s okay!) here’s a great option:
4. DIY Water Heater

I love this project because the concept is simple: Water heats up from the sun, and the hot water rises, and becomes available to you. You’ll always have hot water, as long as the sun is out.
Our house is currently heated by propane, but I would love it if we could at least heat our water using solar energy!
Building a solar water heater looks like it might be a little bit of a project, especially if you’re like me and not super handy, but it’s pretty simple.
For this project you’ll need:
- Aluminum sheeting
- 2x4x8 studs
- Plywood
- Copper tubing
- SunTuf polycarbonate (can buy at your local big box store)
- Epoxy
- Black high-temperature BBQ paint
Here’s how you can build your own solar powered water heater!
Going off grid doesn’t have to be hard or expensive!
Try one of these simple homesteading projects and take another step towards independence by going solar!
I’d like to hear from you!
Would you try making your own solar powered home? Leave a comment below!