Blue Orpington Chickens – What You Need To Know

Blue Orpington Chickens – What You Need To Know

It seems as if there are as many colors of chickens as there are unique and diverse groups of people. It’s a beautiful thing in both cases. Blue Orpington chickens are one of many, many breeds, but still an amazing breed and has a lot to offer. You might be wondering not only about the…

Walk-In Chicken Coops — The Truly Practical Guide

Walk-In Chicken Coops — The Truly Practical Guide

There are all kinds of walk-in chicken coops, both complete and ready-to-buy, as well as DIY plans, but there are a lot of things you need to think about before getting (or building) a coop. Trust me when I say, you don’t want to be stuck and irritated with the end result. This should be…

Miracle In a Shell – All About Candling Eggs

Miracle In a Shell – All About Candling Eggs

Candling chicken eggs is an incredible experience that every chicken owner should experience. It’s truly a miracle in a shell! Beyond the experience, you may NEED to candle eggs if you are incubating them. Egg candling is done to determine the quality of an egg, be it regarding the white, yolk, air cell, fertility, and…

Amberlink Chickens – Top Cold Hardy Egg Laying Pro

Amberlink Chickens – Top Cold Hardy Egg Laying Pro

It’s very possible that you’ve never even heard of an Amberlink chicken before this. The name sounds more like an internet satellite company owned by Elon Musk. Obviously, it’s not – but in the egg-laying world, it may be just as valuable! Learn about this unheard-of chicken breed and find out where to buy these…

Columbian Wyandotte – The Best Unknown Backyard Chicken

Columbian Wyandotte – The Best Unknown Backyard Chicken

If you’re looking for an ideal backyard chicken, the Columbian Wyandotte is a perfect choice. These chickens are visually appealing with their striking, black-and-white feathers and are also quite hardy and easy to take care of. Columbian Wyandottes are a unique breed that many simply haven’t heard about before. Let’s do this thing and learn…